hooper graphics logo

Our mission is to help small businesses, charities, clubs and artists with all their marketing material

Jane started working for Century Litho back in March 1982, moving to Cornwall Litho during the 1990’s. In 2005 Jane decided to go back “to college” and study multimedia design, undergoing training in website/dvd design and build, animation and digital video-editing and motion graphics production.

Winner of the Logo Design Award 2008

In June 2008 Jane obtained a First Class Honours Degree in Graphic Design from Plymouth College of Art and Design, where she also won an Award, sponsored by Logo Design of Ivybridge, a company who specialise in print and web based media design.

“This prize has been awarded to you to acknowledge your outstanding creative talent in the field of Graphic Design, you have consistently performed to the highest standard and contributed positively to the course. Congratulations on your success. ”

Emily Watts, Marketing Officer

Graphic Design and Marketing are very closely related and Jane also holds the Chartered Institute of Marketing Professional Certificate in Marketing Level 4, so we can give our customers an even better service.